Year 2022 Events
Mid Autumn Festival - Sept 19
Mid Autumn Festival is a Chinese traditional holiday. On Sept. 17th, 2022, CANWA celebrated the Mid Autumn Festival at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Fayetteville. People from all cross this area came in, sat down, talked to each other, met old friends, and made new friends while enjoying the Moon cakes. It was great to meet each other and socialize with others. The organizer also put up some great shows and games which were greatly enjoyed by everyone.
中秋节是华人们最重视和开心的日子!今天我们西北阿肯色华人们团圆了。大家相聚一起开心欢愉并欣赏和表演了精彩的文艺节目。每个节目都是亮点,备受大家的喜爱,其中罗医生的新疆(花园)把新疆小姑娘的活泼可爱的样子展现的淋漓尽致加上其后又一支独舞《四岁的海溜马》把大草原搬进了我们的小舞台上让大家大饱眼福。还有佳丽的《藏族舞》,那舞者跳的美,观众们享受着美,舞蹈带给人们的不仅是快乐,表演者用形体语言诠释着它的内涵令人叹服!Joy的一曲清唱《黎花颂》把我们带回到大唐盛世那美轮美奂的景色与时代中。还有各种形式风格的文艺展示: Karen and Grace 的钢琴表演,集体诗朗诵:我是中国人;群舞:礼仪之邦;合唱:月亮代表我的心等四首歌曲都是大家熟悉的旋律引起了大家的共鸣。在此要谢谢大家的参与,谢谢志愿者们的付出,谢谢演员们的精彩表演,谢谢参与者的相伴!特别感谢我们的专业摄影师Kevin 给大家留下了美好的记忆。希望来年大家继续加油再相聚!
Dragon Boat Festival - May 31
CANWA celebrated the 2022 Dragon Boat Festival at veteran's memorial park in Fayetteville on May 29, 2022. Participants joined the gathering and socializing, sharing the delicious food, the must-have Zongzi, and popular games.
一年一度的端午节又来临了,我们西北阿肯色华协于五月二十九日星期天举办了端午节庆祝活动!活动非常成功!晴朗湛蓝的高空像碧玉一样澄澈,几片白云像碧海上的孤帆在晴空飘游。 老朋友相见互相问候亲切交谈,新朋友相见互相介绍分外喜悦。新老朋友一起分享端午节美食,共度周末美好时光,很难得!疫情以来,好多外州的人才被吸引到咱们西北阿肯色,活动中认识很多新朋友。也看到我们的第二代宝贝儿和青少年茁壮成长,真是开心!
感谢所有的志愿者们。特别是Michell, Susan and Mrs. Voung and several other friends。包的粽子非常好吃! 特别感谢Sue, Don and Jiali- made nice grilled Chicken。感谢钱江红组织的Youth club。我们的孩子们为当地做了非常有益的事情,祝贺三位孩子拿到了总统志愿者奖。感谢海燕教孩子们手工,还要感谢严娟,晓明,Clark, and James等其他的志愿者们。还有一个爆料,女生在这次拔活比赛中赢了男生。期待更多的朋友参加我们的下一次活动-中秋节。
Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month - May 15
Chinese New Year Gala Online - Jan 22
Year 2021 proved to be another unusual and difficult year for all of us just like year 2020. We hope situation will start getting better in 2022. Chinese Association of NWA organized a Youtube online Chinese New Year celebrationon on Jan. 22, 2022
To watch Northwest Arkansas local new reports on our 2022 Chinese New Year celebration, please click to following two buttons: