Year 2019 Events
2019 Mid-Autumn Festival
On September 7th, 2019, CANWA celebrated the 2019 Mid Autumn Festival at First United Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville. People from all cross this area came in, sat down, talked to each other, met old friends, and made new friends when enjoying fruits, snacks, and Moon cakes. It was a great to meet each other and socialize with others.
2019 Dragon Boat Festival
Chinese Association of NW Arkansas celebrated this year's Dragon Boat Festival at Veterans Memorial Park of Fayetteville on May 25th, 2019. The weather was perfect for such an event. The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky with moderate and comfortable temperature. About 70 participants joined the celebration, enjoyed the traditional must-have Zongzi and a lot of other good food prepared by CANWA and participants. People made new fiends, related real persons to Wechat names, had fun with tug of war and rope jumping etc. All in all, it was a fun and relaxing event. Looking forward to the next traditional Chinese Festival - Mid-Autumn Festival.
2019 CANWA Chinese New Year Gala
哈勃高中的餐厅里充满了节日气氛,来宾们津津有味地品尝着地道的中国传统佳肴,享受与家人和朋友团聚的喜乐。廊道上灯笼高挂,春联、剪纸 烘托着浓厚的年味,小商品琳琅满目,写毛笔字的两位女士挥毫泼墨,为来宾们书写他们的中文名字。礼堂内晚会开始,主持人在台上介绍了一些中国人过春节的风俗。之后,开始精彩的表演,节目有中国传统的民族舞蹈和音乐,武术表演,少儿歌舞,狮子舞,龙舞合唱表演等等。在节目间隙,有政府官员代表和赞助商代表讲话, 道出了协会举办春晚的深远意义。
Chinese Association of NWA celebrated Year of Pig on 01-26-2019 in Springdale Har-Ber High School.
Cafeteria was full of guests enjoying authentic Chinese food hot items like egg rolls and dumplings were very popular. Along the hallway, red lanterns, couplets and paper-cut art brought out rich festive atmosphere. The gift baskets and gift cards were very inviting. Two young ladies were busy writing guests' names in Chinese with brushes and ink.
On the stage of PAC, the hostess briefly explained the Chinese New Year tradition before the show started. Then Various programs fascinated the audience with folk dances, beautiful music, marshal arts, Dragon Dance and lion dance.
During the show, the NWA district representative at office of governor Asa Hutchinson and a sponsor representative made speeches pointing out the true meaning of the Gala. what a fun night!
The success of the celebration resulted from the hard work of volunteers behind the scenes, also from the support of local businesses and the love of friends involved. Because of your generosity, we were able to provide such a Chinese-style entertainment to our local community for one night. Thanks to your love, we had the opportunity to help outstanding Chinese poor students to pursue their dream of college.
We do not want to see the poverty to become the barrier to higher education, but firmly believe that education can help eradicate poverty. Through our Chinese culture, we gather our love and strength to make our community more harmonious, may students dreams come true.