Year 2017 Events

Cooper Elementary -- Holidays Around The World project

December 13th 2017, Cooper Elementary in Bella Vista held a Christmas (holidays) Around The World project. CANWA was invited to demonstrate Chinese New Year to Mrs Dean's class. During the presentation, Sherry Shao told the story about NIAN monster and related Chinese New Year to Passover. Jennifer Liu showed the class how to write calligraphy with brush and ink. Some red envolops with chocolate coins were dispensed to the class. At the end, everyone in the classroom was invited to Chinese New Year celebration on Feb 10th 2018. 

2017 Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 2017

This past Saturday, September 30th, the Chinese Association of North West Arkansas held a huge celebration for Moon Festival. Moon Festival is one of the most important Chinese traditional celebrations. It symbolizes the reunion of beloved ones. This year, CANWA organized a royal gathering for people in northwest Arkansas area, entertaining friends from different cultures all over the world. We prepared a variety of games with small rewards and high-quality performances, including but not limited to calligraphy, paper cutting, lantern riddles, duo singing, folk dance, poetry, Chinese zither, beat box and Qipao Show. Our member Mr. Walter Porras, the husband of Catherine Rao, designs all the Qipaos in the show. Thanks to their generosity, a charity auction of Qipao raised a total of $200 towards CANWA charity fund. We had a feast of food from ardent friends and sponsor restaurant like Sichuan House, as well as other foods, desserts, and moon cakes from our hardworking CANWA members. A small cuisine contest was followed. The top 3 best cook enjoyed a gift from CANWA. After dinner, everyone was encouraged to join the ball dance and karaoke. This celebration is free to members and $10 each for non-members. All the tickets sales and other donations went to CANWA charity fund, which supports the education of kids in poverty in rural areas of China. We had a splendid night of more than one hundred friends celebrating Moon Festival 2017. We look forward to seeing more and more people join us for the celebration of Spring Festival. 西北阿肯色华人协会在上一周的九月三十号周六举办了一场盛大的中秋晚会。中秋 节是中国传统文化中最为重要的节日之一,它象征着团圆和欢聚。今年,西北阿肯 色华人协会在本地组织承办了这场盛大的聚会,款待来自各个国家不同文化的朋友。 现场准备了各式各样的游戏和丰富的奖品,有书法,剪纸和灯谜;以及精彩的节目 表演,有歌曲演唱,民族舞蹈,古筝演奏,诗歌朗诵,节奏口技以及旗袍秀。本次 展出的旗袍由伍博瑞先生设计制作,感谢伍博瑞和饶凯露夫妇慷慨捐出旗袍进行慈 善拍卖,现场拍得 200 美金全数捐给西北阿肯色华人协会慈善基金。晚餐时分,热 心的朋友带来了自己制作美食,四川屋餐馆也赞助了几道美食,华人协会的志愿者 们也为大家准备了各种可口的食物和中秋的传统点心:月饼。随后的美食大赛中评 比出了三名优胜者,获得了由华人协会提供的礼品。晚餐之后,我们还安排了丰富 的舞会和卡拉 OK 等节目,亲朋老少欢聚一堂,度过了一个愉快的中秋之夜。 本次中秋晚会免费向会员开放,非会员仅收取 10 元入场费。所有活动所得均纳入 西北阿肯色华人慈善基金,用以支持协会在中国设立的贫困地区少年儿童教育奖学 金项目。本次晚会有一百多名朋友和嘉宾光临现场,共度美好中秋。新老朋友们, 我们期待在下一次的春节晚会上见到您的身影! 

International Celebration

Sept. 2017

IF you were at the Botanical Gardens of the Ozarks on August 29, You would have found more than just great weather and beautiful flowers. There was an international celebration of dancers and other great acts. The CANWA Dance Troupe outdid themselves once again! Then if that was not enough, beautiful Gu-Zheng music was in the air and artistic Chinese calligraphy was being produced. A great day to be sure! 

A Day of Floating!

Jul. 2017

On Saturday, the 24th of June, a group of adventurous Canwa Members got together for a day of relaxation as they floated down the Buffalo River.

What a great way to have fun as a group! 

2017 Dragon Boat Festival

May 2017

Beautiful weather on memorial weekend, CANWA celebrated Dragon Boat Festival at veteran's memorial park in Fayetteville. Over 80 participants joined the party sharing festival food Zongzi, grilled chicken and other delicious home made dishes. Balloon game, rope jumping and hula hoop are very popular under the pavilion.


Dragon boat festival preparation

May 2017

Dragon boat festival is around comer, Volunteers, members, nonmembers got together at Sherry Shao's home wrapping Zongzi, sweet rice in bamboo leaves, one traditional appetizer for the holiday. 130 Zongzi were prepared to be served at dragon boat festival celebration on 05-28 at lake of Fayetteville. 

CANWA Dance Team supporting HWOA

May 2017

May 6, 17 was a beautiful day, Jones Center Springdale drew a big crowd to Cinco De Mayo event presented by Hispanic Woman's Organization of Arkansas. CANWA President Cathy Luo was invited to perform her newest dance LiYiZhiBang in red costume with her team. Chloe Liu played Chinese ancient instrument Guzheng. 

Bentoinville First Friday International Festival

April 2017

Bentonville may be a small town but each year the first Friday International Festival draws large crowds. Jiduo Dance Studio presented "Shanghai Night", and Arkansas Blue Bird performed "All of a Sudden". 

Day of Dance for Your Health

Feb. 2017

We are honored to perform at dance to the day, which is hosted by Washington regional medical center at NWA mall during their hearth fair. 

2017 CANWA Chinese New Year Gala

Chinese New Year, the Year of The Rooster was celebrated at the Har-Ber High School on January 28th 2017! 500+ people came to join us in celebration.

Kids dances, adult dances, Chinese Traditional singing, silent auction and beautiful photo background booth! The Chinese New Year's Celebration was a great event! Performers and volunteers worked very hard for the last few weeks to prepare for this most important Chinese festival.